Thursday, August 29, 2019

Here is Top Secret information from the United States Government about how the world will end!! Here!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Everything Science Knows About Reading On Screen

The intermixing of books and technology can be quiet a controversial topic when it comes to things such as e-books, or other apps that you are able to read books on; the idea of "nonlinear" reading is based off of how people perceive e-books verses physically held books that make you work to find what you are looking for. While the true version of the written work is less distracting than reading online, there are positives and negatives to reading online. If you skim through novels that contain important details that you can only get by reading each and every single word one every single page. The little things do, and always will matter.

Reading in a Whole New Way

The very beginning how it all started, can be uncomprehending to some who are born of a later generation. They never have had to experience the feelings you get from writing a handwritten letter verses a simple text message. This article describes the past uses of communication and ways that people had only dreamed of experiencing. They give statistics about how screens project this idea of a false society that we are meant to believe, but reading from a physical book or a newspaper can provide a person with an intense feeling, and can also be less dangerous for a person in the long run. There is a quote at the end of the article that says, "Screens will be the first place we'll look for answers, for friends, for news, for meaning, for our sense of who we are and who we can be." And when the future is already determining who we will be turn out to be, then it may be hard to divert from that path that is already drawn.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Very First Last Class of My Senior Year

Today, I wrote a note to my mother; something I have not done in a long time. She always sends me letters, and cards through the mail for holidays, or just when she misses me. But I never return the favor. In this class, I was shown old images of my family home that I grew up in, and it brought to the surface, feelings of the past, as if I were still living in that house. It made me think differently; about my past, about my family, about where I am now, and how much I have grown. I miss that time in my life: When everything was simple.